Sprayway Multi-Surface Cleaner

Sprayway Multi-Surface Cleaner is an excellent all-purpose cleaner that works well on granite, glass, wood, and metal.

Perfect for:

  • Cabinets
  • Appliances
  • Furniture
  • Most household hard surfaces

Item UPC:

0 41911 00007 9

Availability: in stock




Sprayway Multi-Surface Cleaner cleans and deodorizes household hard surfaces and leaves a clean, fresh scent. This cleaner is tough on messes and with our worry-free formula, you can be sure it will get the job done without damaging surfaces.

From mess and dust removal, to cleaning your hard surfaces, our multi-surface cleaner can help you tackle most messes. Spray directly onto surfaces and wipe away with a dry cloth to see noticeably cleaner countertops, tables, and chairs.


  1. Air vents collect dust, dirt, hair, and more over time. Wrap a flat object with your clean, dampened rag and slide it between the vents to clean the inside.
  2. Don’t forget to clean your countertop backsplashes. They track as much dirt as your countertops without realizing it!

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